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  • How do I place an order?
    Unlike an online shop where you select a standard design, my pieces are bespoke and unique and made to your personal requirements which I am excited to discuss with you. Simply fill out the form here with your contact info and a brief description of your enquiry. I will quickly get back to you. Thank you x
  • How are prints taken?
    It's easy to capture a print and takes only seconds. ​ I can take your print at my workshop or a kit can be sent to you if necessary, at a small cost. ​ The kit comes with full instructions which are very easy to follow, so have fun! ​ For memorial orders please contact me for details.
  • Why choose Silver Prints?
    The jewellery I create is entirely unique, bespoke and handmade. Each item is created to meet your personal requirements. ​ There are so many possibilities, as you can see from the gallery. From the shape of the item to the message on it. Your ideas are really important to me so please get in touch by using the contact form: we can take it from there.
  • Do you offer necklaces and bracelets?
    If you require necklaces or bracelets for your pieces to be attached to, these can be supplied at an extra cost.
  • How do I pay?
    Payment can be made online, by PayPal or by cash at the point of order. ​ Your jewellery will be ready for you in approximately two weeks from the point of order, at which time you can collect or have items posted to your home at standard postage rates.
  • Do you make memorial jewellery ?
    Yes I do. Please get in touch for further details.

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